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Our webcasts seem as close as face to face!
Stream-It is an award-winning video production company that specializes in recorded and live-streaming video content. Our clients are companies of all sizes who are looking to communicate with employees, customers, prospects, shareholders, analysts, or the media. Our team has a solid reputation for creating compelling, unique videos that effectively convey our clients’ messages.

Produced from our studio or your location, a single webcast can reach thousands – effectively engaging your audience and reducing corporate travel costs. Whether a town-hall meeting with an in-room audience or a single executive presenting in studio, we work hard to ensure your webcast fits your needs.

For some, the video streaming can seem overwhelming. Stream-It stands to eliminate any fears or concerns, to provide the utmost professional service in completing all projects. Whether your event is for a live awards ceremony, or you need to patch in a presenter from multiple locations, we have the resources and personnel to simplify the process from start to finish.

We cover a range of events from secure legal conferences, corporate annual meetings, press conferences or a keynote address. We can broadcast your event live to any audience whether they are a room away or a continent over, as long as they have internet you are set.